APPENDIX II-W:  Comparing Risk of WNV:


Comparing Risk of West Nile

Virus against Risk of


Peterson et al. (2006) compared the risk of

ground-based ultra-low-volume (ULV)

adulticiding against the risk of West Nile

virus (WNV). They concluded that

[B]y virtually any current human-health measure,

the risks from infection by WNV exceed the risks

from exposure to mosquito insecticides.

Therefore, perceptions that human-health risks

from the insecticides used to control adult mosquitoes

are greater than the risks from WNV currently

cannot be supported by the current

scientific evidence.

We appreciate their elegant analysis of

health risks associated with residential exposure

to ground-based ULV adulticides, and

we concur that such risks are very low.

However, we are concerned that their risk–

risk comparison may be misinterpreted to

indicate that the human health risk associated

with adulticiding is more than offset by

its potential for WNV disease reduction.

Peterson et al. (2006) did not provide data to

support this. Such a risk–benefit comparison

requires at least two refinements.

First, it needs to take into account intervention

effectiveness. Although it is not

unreasonable to expect some benefit, it is

unlikely that adulticiding is completely (or

even mostly) effective. Hence, a risk–benefit

comparison would need to address the likely

situation of adulticiding being substantially

< 100% effective, for example, by reducing

estimates of adulticiding-based benefit by a

factor of 1/x, where x represents the effectiveness

of adulticiding.

Second, it needs to discount benefit based

on upstream interventions. Adulticiding

often takes place in the context of an integrated

mosquito/WNV management program.

In this situation, upstream approaches

(e.g., larviciding, personal protection) discount

the attributable benefit of downstream

interventions (e.g., adulticiding). For

example, use of larviciding and personal

protection, respectively, providing y and z

effectiveness, reduces the potential benefit of

adulticiding by a factor of 1/[(1 – y) ×

(1 – z)].

Where upstream interventions are used

and are fairly effective and adulticiding is not

(or even if it is), adulticiding-attributable

disease reduction may by substantially less

than overall WNV risk. For example, if

larviciding is 75% effective, personal protection

90% effective, and adulticiding

10% effective, the risk reduction achieved

through adulticiding would be 1/400th of

the overall risk of WNV-related disease;

that is,

Overall risk/{1/[(x) × (1 – y) × (1 – z)]}.

The authors declare they have no competing

financial interests.

Steve Schofield

Martin Tepper

Janick Lalonde

Directorate of Force Health Protection

Canadian Forces Health Services

Group Headquarters

Department of National Defence

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada



Peterson RKD, Macedo PA, Davis RS. 2006. A human-health

risk assessment for West Nile virus and insecticides

used in mosquito management. Environ Health Perspect


West Nile Virus: Peterson et al.


We thank Schofield et al. for their interest

in our article and for their comments. We

would like to clarify that Peterson et al.

(2006) is simply a screening-level (tier 1)

risk assessment in which we separately and

conservatively examined the residential

human risks from exposure to West Nile

virus (WNV) and mosquito adulticides. As

with all screening-level risk assessments,

our assessments were not refined, but they

did reveal the magnitude of risk compared

to relevant end points. As Schofield et al.

point out, our article should not be misinterpreted

to indicate that the health risks

associated with adulticiding are offset by

its potential for WNV reduction. This is

because we did not conduct a risk–benefit

assessment, which was beyond the scope of

our study.

Our article (Peterson et al. 2006) represents

an initial step in an ongoing multiyear

analysis of risk issues associated with certain

vectorborne diseases and vector management

strategies. We plan to address some of

the issues Schofield et al. raise in subsequent


The authors declare they have no competing

financial interests.

Robert K.D. Peterson

Paula A. Macedo

Ryan S. Davis

Montana State University

Bozeman, Montana



Peterson RKD, Macedo PA, Davis RS. 2006. A human-health

risk assessment for West Nile virus and insecticides

used in mosquito management. Environ Health Perspect


Environmental Health Perspectives VOLUME 114 | NUMBER 9 | September 2006 A 519




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