Where to Buy Damselfly Larvae + Two Articles Discussing Damselflies Who
Eat Mosquio Larvae.
The following information and articles are copied from:
Predatory capacity and prey selectivity of nymphs of the
dragonfly Pantala hymenaea.
J Am Mosq Control Assoc. 2005 Sep; 21(3):328-30.
Mosquito control seems like an easy thing. Kill the mosquito before it bites you. So what's a person to do? Stay inside all summer? COMBINATION OF METHODS ADVISED Still, Duty says foggers, at $10 a can, are an economical way to get immediate relief. "Basically you have to see what works with your body chemistry," said Dearborn. And you just have to see what works, period, when it comes to killing backyard biting bugs. Staff Writer Ray Routhier can be contacted at 791-6454 or at: |