Howard, et al, “Impact of naled (Dibrom 14) on the mosquito-vectors
of eastern equine encephalitis virus,” J Am Mosq Control Assoc, 1997 Dec, 13(4) 315-25.
This appendix is copied from:
Impact of naled (Dibrom 14) on the
mosquito vectors of eastern equine encephalitis virus.
JJ, Oliver
New York State Department of Health, SUNY-College ESF, Syracuse
13210, USA.
In central New York, aerial
mosquito adulticide applications have been used in response to eastern
equine encephalitis (EEE) outbreaks and have targeted the swamp habitats of
the primary enzootic vector of EEE virus, Culiseta melanura (Coquillett).
The organophosphate insecticide naled (1, 2, dibromo-2, 2-dichloroethyl
dimethyl phosphate) has been the insecticide of choice in this region. This
study reports on analyses of 11 years (1984-94) of mosquito collection data
from Cicero and Toad
Harbor swamps in relation to
applications of naled. Naled applications were successful in achieving
short-term reductions in mosquito abundance. However, despite repetitive
applications, populations of the primary vector of EEE virus, Cs. melanura,
have increased 15-fold at Cicero Swamp.
Preventive applications had no noticeable impact on the enzootic
amplification of EEE virus, and isolations of virus following preventive
applications have resulted in additional spraying. The possibility that
applications of naled contributed to increased populations of Cs. melanura
discredits the rationale that preventive applications of naled reduce the
risk of EEE.
PMID: 9474556 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]