APPENDIX II-AP:  G. Wolterink, et al, Risk Assessment of Chemicals: What About the Children?


This appendix is copied from:[


RIVM report 613340005/2002


Risk Assessment of Chemicals: What About the Children?


G. Wolterink, A.H. Piersma, J.G.M. van Engelen.



This investigation has been performed by order and for the account of the Ministry of

Health, Welfare and Sports within the framework of project 613340, .Advisering



RIVM, P.O. Box 1, 3720 BA Bilthoven, telephone: 31 - 30 - 274 91 11; telefax: 31 - 30 - 274 29 71




With regard to risk assessment of chemicals, children are not little adults. Their pattern of

exposure (quantitatively and qualitatively), as well as both the toxicokinetics and the

toxicodynamics of a chemical will be different, and therefore it should be carefully examined

whether children are adequately protected against adverse effects of chemicals.

In this report a concise overview of the relevant data on the differences between adults and

children with respect to exposure, kinetics and dynamics of chemicals is presented, and the

adequacy of currently used toxicological tests for regulatory purposes is discussed. In

addition, in view of the potentially increased vulnerability of children a number of

recommendations for further development of risk assessment of chemicals is presented.




Samenvatting  4


Summary  6


1  Introduction  8


2  Exposure  10


2.1 Dietary exposure  10

2.2 Other routes of exposure  10

2.3 Aggregate and cumulative exposure  11


3  Physiology  12


4  Toxicokinetics  13


4.1 Absorption  13

4.1.1 Oral absorption  13

4.1.2 Inhalatory absorption  13

4.1.3 Dermal absorption  13

4.2 Distribution  14

4.3 Elimination  14

4.3.1 Metabolism  14

4.3.2 Excretion  15


5  Toxicodyhamics  16


5.1 Development 16

5.1.1 Development of the respiratory tract 17

5.1.2 Developmental immunotoxicity 17

5.1.3 Developmental neurotoxicity 17

5.2 Endocrine disruption 19

5.3 Carcinogenicity 19


6  General conclusions  20


6.1 Exposure 20

6.2 Toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics 20

6.3 Adequacy of toxicological tests 20

6.4 Vulnerability of children: Is an additional assessment factor necessary? 21

6.5. Gaps in risk assessment and directions for further research 22


Acknowledgement  24


References  25


Appendix 1  Mailin list




In regulatory toxicology there is increased awareness and concern that children and adults

may differ in their susceptibility to xenobiotics. In this report a concise overview of the

relevant data on the differences between adults and children with respect to the kinetics,

dynamics and exposure to chemicals is presented and adequacy of currently used

toxicological tests for regulatory purposes is discussed. In view of the potentially increased

vulnerability of children a number of recommendations for further development of risk

assessment of chemicals are made.

There are three major areas in which children and adults differ: exposure to and

toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics of xenobiotics. Especially the situation in which children

are higher exposed than adults this needs full attention.

Children consume more food and drink more fluids per kg body weight than adults, and their

dietary pattern is different and less varied. Moreover, children have a relatively high

inhalatory rate (which may lead to a higher inhalatory exposure) and a high body surfacebody

weight ratio (which may result in a higher dermal exposure). Children may also be more

exposed to toxic substances than adults since children spend more time in the same room or

area, are in closer contact with a contaminated surface (e.g. by crawling) and display less

hygienic behaviour (mouthing of hands, objects, surfaces; pica behaviour). The route of

exposure may be of importance for the potentially toxic effects of a chemical. In most

toxicological studies for regulatory purposes the oral route of administration is used.

However, the expected route of exposure of a child should be taken into consideration in the

design of toxicological studies since the systemic exposure to a chemical may differ due to

different levels of absorption and the absence of a first pass effect following dermal and

inhalatory absorption. A further point of concern, for adults as well as children, is the

aggregate exposure to a specific chemical from different sources and the cumulative exposure

to different substances with the same mechanism of action (e.g. organophosphates and


The physiological differences between children and adults may affect the kinetics of a

substance in the body, which may render the child less or more susceptible to toxic effects of

a chemical. For instance, oral absorption of a substance may be affected by the different

gastric pH, gastric emptying rate, concentration of digestive enzymes and gut flora. The high

respiratory activity and higher body surface-body weight ratio may increase the relative

inhalatory and dermal absorption of substances. The high body water content, the low plasma

protein binding capacity and the permeability of the blood brain barrier may affect the

distribution of a chemical. The immaturity of the metabolic enzymes in the liver and the low

renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate may affect the elimination of a xenobiotic.

With respect to toxicodynamics, i.e. the interaction between a chemical and the body (organs,

tissues) a major concern is the influence that a chemical may exert on the developing organs

and systems in young children. Disruption of proliferation, differentiation, migration and

maturation of cells may have severe and irreversible consequenses. In humans, the

development of certain organs or systems, e.g. the respiratory tract, the immune and

endocrine systems and the brain, continues long after birth. The presently used reproduction

toxicity tests and the newly introduced neurodevelopmental toxicity test mainly focus on

reproductive and neurotoxic effects and are not designed to detect, for instance, immunotoxic

effects, effects on lung development or general effects on histopathology or haematology. It

is recommended that it is ascertained that, in case of exposure through the milk of the dams,

significant quantities of test substance are excreted in the milk. Moreover, since the critical

windows in the development of laboratory animals and children are not necessarily the same,

the exposure period should be carefully examined.

Since there is a multitude of processes that may differ between children and adults, and the

net result of these differences is not clear, at present there is not sufficient information to give

a general quantitative statement with respect to differences in vulnerability. For instance, an

increased absorption of a substance in a child does not necessarily lead to an increased risk if

there is no formation of a toxic metabolite or if there is an increased elimination of the

substance. It should be noted that in risk assessment, the use of an intraspecies factor of 10

implies that the .most sensitive child. is about 10x more sensitive than the .average. human,

and thus that there is a 100-fold variation in susceptibility in the entire human population. In

addition, the use of the default assessment factor of 10 for interspecies extrapolation implies

that the average human is 10 times more sensitive than the most sensitive animal tested. In

general, if a full set of toxicological data is available, the presently used assessment factors

(10 x 10) are considered adequate in safeguarding the human population. However, the use of

an additional assessment factor in order to protect the sensitive groups in the human

population, among others children, should always be considered, on a case-by-case basis.

For future developments in risk assessment of chemicals with respect to children a number of

recommendations are made. For adults as well as children more insight into the specific

exposure scenarios is needed. It is proposed to design a decision tree which indicates whether

a toxicological data set and the knowledge on the specific exposure are adequate for risk

assessment for children. The suitability of young animal toxicity tests should be investigated.

A comparison of the dose-response data and the NOAELs of tests in adults and juveniles may

provide insight in the range of intraspecies variation with respect to age. Since for

pharmaceuticals human data are available it will be worthwhile to follow the developments in

the field of kinetics and dynamics of paediatric pharmaceuticals. By using distributions of the

physiological and kinetic parameters and PBPK modeling it can be assessed which group of

children is most at risk for a certain chemical.



1  Introduction


In regulatory toxicology, recently attention has been focussed on the possible differences

between children and adults with respect to their susceptibility to xenobiotics. In order to

assess the adverse health effects of xenobiotics a variety of toxicological tests in animals has

been developed, among others reproduction toxicity tests. Whereas these tests are generally

accepted for hazard identification of prenatal effects, concern has been risen that the

toxicological tests presently used may not be adequate to detect some specific effects of

perinatal exposure to xenobiotics [1]. It has been shown that there are differences in

toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics between the developing animal and the developing child.

In addition, the exposure pattern and exposure levels to xenobiotics may also differ between

children and adults. The question has arisen whether the present procedures for risk

assessment do adequately protect children against adverse effects of chemicals.

In literature the term .child. may have a dual meaning. On the one hand it may refer to a

human being that has not yet reached adolescence. On other occasions the term .child. is used

to identify a specific period in the development of a human being from birth to adulthood.

According to the classification by Crom [2] a neonate is less than 1 month of age, an infant is

1 to 23 months of age, a child is 2 to 12 years of age and an adolescent is 13 to 18 years old.

In the present report the terms .child. and .children. refer to the entire period from birth up to

and including adolescence, while the terms neonate and infant refer specifically to the periods

in life as described by Crom.

Children may be exposed to toxic substances for longer periods or to higher external doses

than adults, because children may spend more time in a room or area in which a toxic

chemical is present (e.g. bedroom), are in closer contact with a contaminated surface (e.g. by

crawling), display more hand-to-mouth behaviour, and display less hygienic behaviour (e.g.

mouthing of objects/surfaces, pica behaviour). In addition, children have a higher body

surface to body weight ratio [3] and relatively higher food [1, 4], water [5] and oxygen

intakes [3], which may increase their exposure on a body weight basis.

It has become clear from inadvertent exposures that, for certain chemicals, children may be

more vulnerable to the toxic effects than adults. This increased vulnerability of children may

be the result of differences in toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics. As compared to adults,

especially in the early postnatal stages of life marked differences in kinetics and dynamics of

substances may exist.

Most data on toxicity of chemicals come from animal studies. Based on the daily dose that

causes no adverse effects in the animals, i.e. the No-Observed-Adverse-Effect-Level

(NOAEL) an Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI), expressed as mg/kg bw/day, is calculated for

humans. To extrapolate the data from the animal studies to the human situation assessment

factors are applied. A factor of 10 is used to allow for species differences (4 for

toxicokinetics, 2.5 for toxicodynamics) and another factor of 10 is applied to safeguard the

variability in the human population (3.2 for toxicokinetics, 3.2 for toxicodynamics)[6].

The concern that children may potentially be at higher risk, due to specific sensitivities and

incomplete data with respect to toxicity and exposure led to new legislation in the United

States. The Food Quality Protection Act of 1996 [7] requires that .« …an additional tenfold margin of safety for the pesticide chemical residue and other sources of exposure shall be applied for infants and children to take into account potential pre- and postnatal toxicity and completeness of data with respect to exposure and toxicity to infants and children…”.


In the present report a concise overview of the relevant data from public literature on

differences in exposure, and in susceptibility, due to toxicokinetic and -dynamic differences

between children and adults is presented. The adequacy of the presently used toxicological

tests is discussed and directions for further research are indicated.


2  Exposure


Whether children should be considered as a special sub-population in risk assessment of

chemicals should in first instance be based on the exposure profile of children and not on the

hazard profile of a chemical (only). Since children have a different dietary pattern, a different

activity pattern and behave differently from adults, the exposure pattern and exposure levels

of children may substantially differ from that of adults.


2.1  Dietary exposure


Infants may be exposed to xenobiotics through breastfeeding and by consumption of other

liquid and solid food products. Children have a higher need for nutrients and a higher caloric

demand and hence consume more food and drink more fluids per kg bodyweight than adults.

Accordingly their relative exposure to xenobiotics in food is increased. It should be noted

that, although children consume the same food products as adults, their dietary pattern is

different and less varied [1]. For instance children consume relatively large quantities of dairy

products and fruit.


2.2  Other routes of exposure


Apart from exposure to chemicals that are present in food, individuals may be exposed to

chemicals through inhalation, dermal exposure or non-dietary oral exposure. As a

consequence of their higher inhalatory rate, children have a higher intake of gaseous or

airborne chemicals. Also dermal exposure in children may lead to higher systemic levels due

to a higher body surface:body weight ratio.

In addition, children may be more exposed to toxic substances than adults because children

may spend more time in the same room or area, are in closer contact with a contaminated

surface (e.g. by crawling), display more hand-to-mouth behaviour, and display less hygienic

behaviour (e.g. mouthing of objects/surfaces, pica behaviour). At the RIVM a consumer

exposure model (ConsExpo 3.0) [8] has been developed to estimate exposure levels through

inhalatory, dermal and non-dietary oral routes in adults as well as children. Exposure during

application (primary exposure) as well as after application (secondary exposure) of a

chemical is taken into account.

Specific scenarios for children, especially during the post-application phase, are implemented

in ConsExpo. These scenarios use default parameters for e.g. crawling (duration of dermal

contact with a surface etc) and hand-to-mouth behaviour that are based on literature data and

observational studies.

With respect to testing for regulatory purposes the intended use of the test substance should

be taken into account in deciding on the exposure route in the toxicological test. For instance,

in case a substance is intended to be vaporised, the developmental effects following

inhalatory exposure should be evaluated, since the inhalatory uptake may differ from oral

uptake and since there is no first pass elimination in the liver, this might lead to different

systemic levels. The same holds true for dermal exposure. Furthermore inhalatory exposure

may uncover local developmental effects on the lung.


2.3  Aggregate and cumulative exposure


At present, risk assessment is generally performed for individual substances coming from one

source. However, the same substance may be present in a variety of sources, which all

contribute to the exposure of an individual, the so-called aggregate exposure. Aggregate

exposure is usually referred to as the total exposure of a defined population to a certain

chemical from all relevant sources and through all exposure routes [9].

Apart from aggregate exposure to a specific chemical from different sources, it should be

noted that often toxic chemicals are part of a certain class of structurally closely related

substances which all exert their effect through the same mechanism of action (cumulative

exposure). Typical examples of this are classes of pesticides such as organophosphates,

pyrethroids and carbamates. Even substances belonging to different classes may affect the

same functional target. For instance, both organophosphates and carbamates inhibit

cholinesterase activity. The effects of cumulative exposure of adults and children to

functionally related substances are largely unknown and, consequently, are not considered in

the present risk assessments for regulatory purposes. Although aggregate and cumulative

exposure to chemicals is a matter of concern for the entire human population, in view of the

differences in exposure characteristics of children compared to adults, this subject needs

special attention with respect to children. Especially for substances for which the risk is

considered only on a product base for a given application (for instance pesticides), exposure

to a given active substance might be much higher due to simultaneous exposure from other

sources (e.g. veterinary medicine, biocide, pesticide) that contain the same active substance.

In the present regulatory processes these uses are not considered at the same time.


3  Physiology


There is a number of differences in physiology between children and adults. These

differences may affect the level of exposure to a chemical, and the kinetics and dynamics of a

chemical. Kinetics refers to the processes of absorption, distribution, metabolism of a

chemical in the body and excretion from the body. Dynamics describes the interaction

between a toxic chemical and the body (tissues, organs, receptors). The most relevant

differences with respect to vulnerability and exposure of children to substances are described

in table 1.


Table 1.  Differences in physiology between children and adults.


Parameter   Difference   ref.

body surface:body

weight ratio

About 2.5 times higher in neonates than in adults 3

body water content About 75 % in neonates, 40-60 % in adults. 10

water intake About 2-5 times higher in infants * 11

caloric demand Energy requirement and relative food consumption is 3-4 times higher in infants than

in adults *


ventilation rate Volume of inhaled air/kg bw/min is about 3 times higher in neonates than in adults 3

gastric pH About neutral at birth, shortly thereafter falling to pH 2 (adult value) 12, 13

gastric emptying rate Irregular at birth, approaching adult values by 6-8 months 14, 15

digestive enzyms Concentration of digestive enzymes is lower at birth and gradually increases during

the first year of life


gut flora Bacterial flora in the intestines is established soon after birth but changes in

composition over time


brain Relatively large in children and in development, showing a high rate of tissue

proliferation and differentiation. Blood brain barrier is underdeveloped. Brain blood

flow increased. Relative high water and low myelin content.


liver Metabolic enzyme system underdeveloped at birth, especially oxidation and

glucuronidation processes. Substantial increase within 2-6 months. Adult levels

reached within 1-3 years


kidney Renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate low at birth, reaching adult levels in

about 3-5 and 7-12 months respectively.

20, 21

plasma protein


Plasma protein concentration and binding capacity are lower during the first year of


20, 21

immune system High level of tissue proliferation and differentiation 22



* when compared on a body weight basis



An extensive review on the differences in physiology between adults and children, with

respect to factors that influence absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of

xenobiotics, is provided by De Zwart et al. [19].


4  Toxicokinetics


It is known that there are differences between children and adults with respect to the fate of a

toxic substance in the body. Especially in the early postnatal stages of life marked differences

in the kinetics exist. Recently the age-related differences in kinetics of xenobiotics have been

reviewed at RIVM [19]. In the present chapter an overview of the differences between

children and adults, based on that RIVM report, is presented. The significance with respect to

risk assessment of toxic chemicals is discussed.


4.1  Absorption


Substances may be absorbed through ingestion, inhalation or dermal penetration. For most

substances oral ingestion is the predominant route of exposure, however volatile substances

may be absorbed mainly by inhalation. For compounds with a logPow between .1 and 4 and a

molecular weight below 500, the transdermal route of absorption may be of significance.


4.1.1  Oral absorption


Child-specific factors that may influence the absorption of substances are gastric pH, gastric

emptying rate, activity of digestive enzymes and the existence and composition of the

bacterial gut flora, composition of bile and bile flow. At birth the pH of the stomach in the

neonate is about neutral (pH 6-8) but shortly after birth falls to pH 2, which is comparable to

adult pH [12, 13]. The neutral pH in neonates will result in a different level of ionisation of

toxins as compared to adults, which in turn affects absorption from the gut. The gastric

emptying rate is variable and irregular until 6-8 months after birth [14, 15]. The concentration

of digestive enzymes is lower at birth and gradually increases during the first year of life

[16]. The intestinal wall of neonates is more permeable to macromolecules [19]. The bacterial

flora in the intestines is established soon after birth, however, its composition gradually

changes over time [17]. All these factors may increase or decrease the absorption of a toxin

from the gut.


4.1.2  Inhalatory absorption


Children have a relatively higher caloric demand than adults [4], and consequently a

relatively increased respiratory activity [3]. As a consequence, the intake over a certain

period of time of an airborne toxin, for instance in the form of a gas, aerosol or dust particle

will be increased in children on a body weight basis. In addition, pulmonary function declines

with age. Further research is required to establish how the physiological differences in the

respiratory system between children and adults affect the absorption of substances.


4.1.3  Dermal absorption


The skin in neonates is immature in comparison to that of adults. For instance, neonates have

a higher skin surface pH and skin roughness, a lower hydration of the stratum corneum and

RIVM report 613340005 page 14 of 29

desquamation of the epidermis [23]. However, there are no indications that the dermal

absorption of substances in children is substantially different from adults [24].


4.2  Distribution


From a recent publication in which the pharmacokinetic parameters of 45 drugs were

compared, it can be concluded that there is a tendency towards larger volumes of distribution

of these drugs in children (from neonates up to adults)[25].

The body composition of newborn children differs from that of adults. For instance, the body

of neonates contains a higher percentage of water (75 % in neonates vs 40-60% in adults).

The body water content is about 63 % in 2 year old infants, and approaches adult values in 12

year old children [10]. The body fat content increases from about 18 % in neonates to 30 % in

1 year old infants, followed by a decrease to 17 % in 15 year old boys. In girls body fat

content remains higher. Adult fat content is about 30% in males and 35% in females [19].

Moreover, neonates have a relatively underdeveloped muscular system and the head

contributes a large proportion to the body weight. There are some other differences that may

be of significance. Firstly, the plasma protein levels and binding capacity are lower in

neonates and infants, reaching adult values at about 1 year after birth [20]. This may be of

particular importance for exposure to substances that, in the adult, are largely bound to

plasma proteins. Generally speaking chemicals that are neutral or hydrophilic or have a low

molecular weight are least likely to bind to plasma protein. Since the unbound fraction in the

blood determines the degree of distribution to other tissues, a reduction in plasma protein

binding may dramatically increase the toxic potential of a substance. On the other hand,

lower plasma protein binding may enhance the elimination of a substance.

Secondly, in the neonate the blood brain barrier is immature, which may lead to higher

exposure of the brain to hydrophilic xenobiotics, for instance cadmium. The relative size of

the brain is larger in children. Moreover the composition of the brain of neonates and children

is different from adults. There is less myelin and an increased blood flow in the brain. All

these factors may lead to a higher exposure of the brain to toxic substances. This is of

particular concern since the brains of neonates and children are still developing and therefore

more vulnerable to the toxic effects of substances acting on the nervous system.


4.3  Elimination


A substance may be eliminated from the body through two different processes, metabolic

conversion and excretion. Often, excretion of a substance that is rather lipophilic, only occurs

after it has been enzymatically converted to more hydrophilic metabolites.


4.3.1  Metabolism


Metabolism of substances serves two purposes. Firstly, by metabolising a substance it often

loses its toxic potential, although in certain instances the metabolites are more toxic than the

parent compound. Secondly, metabolic processes such as oxidation, glucuronidation,

hydroxylation and sulphate conjugation increase the hydrophilicity of the molecule and

therefore render it more susceptible to renal excretion. At birth, the liver has an

underdeveloped system of metabolic enzymes. Especially oxidation and glucuronic acid

conjugation processes are immature in neonates [18, 19, 25]. This means that the rate of

detoxification (or activation) and elimination processes in the liver may be less efficient. The

various enzyme systems in the liver mature at different time points. In general, the levels

increase substantially within 2-6 months after birth. By 1 to 3 years of age the metabolic

potency of the liver approaches adult levels. Although the liver is the major organ for

metabolism of xenobiotics, other organs such as the lung, the small intestine and the kidney

may also significantly contribute to the metabolic conversion of substances [19]. The

metabolic activity of the lung is particularly relevant for substances to which an individual is

exposed through the inhalatory route. Human and animal studies have shown that important

enzym systems in the lung that are still developing after birth are the cytochrome P450

monooxygenase system, glutathione S-transferases, epoxide hydrolases, superoxide

dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase [26].


4.3.2  Excretion


Substances can be excreted through renal excretion, biliary excretion, expiration or

perspiration, often after being metabolised. The renal function in the neonate, in particular the

renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate, is low as compared to adults [20, 21], which

may lead to a prolonged half-life of the toxin or its metabolites in the blood plasma. In full

term neonates renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate reach adult levels in about 3-5

months and in 7-12 months respectively. Due to the high caloric demand in children their

relative respiratory activity is increased. On the one hand, this indicates that in children the

relative intake of volatile toxins or toxins in aerosols through inhalation is enhanced, on the

other hand the potential to eliminate toxins or their metabolites through expiration will be

increased. Little is known about the particularities of biliary excretion of xenobiotics in


Experimental research into the pharmacokinetics of drugs has demonstrated that in the early

days after birth there may be a decreased elimination of drugs, resulting in a prolonged half

life. However, after the neonatal period has passed the elimination of drugs is often enhanced

[18, 27]. The same probably is true for non-drug chemicals.


5  Toxicodynamics


The main difference between adults and children with respect to toxicodynamics is the

influence that toxic chemicals may exert on the developing organs in young children. The

organs in the foetus, but also in the newborn child, undergo cell proliferation (growth), cell

differentiation, cell migration, cell maturation, and development of enzyme or receptor

systems. Disruption of these processes by toxins may have severe and irreversible

consequences. For instance, postnatal exposure to lead induces increased anti-social

behaviour and decrements in cognitive function and intelligence, later in life [28, 29].

However, generally speaking little is known at present about the influence of the majority of

chemicals on the development of organ systems. In the following sections, the potential

effects of chemicals on organ systems in laboratory animals and humans, and the adequacy of

the presently used toxicological tests in detecting potential deleterious effects, will be

discussed in more detail.


5.1  Development


Exposure to chemicals during the phase that organs develop may have serious effects. Once

the organs have developed and enter a phase of growth they are, in general, much less

susceptible and effects induced by exogenous substances are often reversible.

With respect to risk assessment, the important question is whether the currently used

toxicological tests using laboratory animals are sufficiently sensitive to predict damaging

effects of a number of specific toxins on the developing human. The toxicological testing of

chemicals in laboratory animals is based on the assumption that the damaging effects of

chemicals in the laboratory animal can be extrapolated to humans, and vice versa. From this

assumption it follows that most of the development-disrupting effects of chemicals are

adequately detected by reproductive and teratogenic tests in laboratory animals, and that

these laboratory tests predict the potentially damaging effects of chemicals on children.

Although in long-term studies in rats and mice treatment usually already starts when the

animals are 6 weeks of age, this is still after the critical period for the development of most

organs and organ systems. At present the toxicity of substances in neonates and young

animals is tested in reproduction toxicity (OECD guidelines 415 and 416) studies. These

studies include postnatal exposure up to the weaning age (OECD415 and the F2 in

OECD416) or until adulthood (F1 in OECD416). Before weaning, exposure occurs largely

via lactation, although feed consumption increases in the third week before weaning and

dietary exposure of pups may occur. These tests allow the study of effects postnatal exposure,

especially the F1 generation in OECD416, although at present testing is generally limited to

clinical signs, food consumption, weight development and sometimes behavioural testing.

Moreover, if there are differences in toxicokinetics, sensitivity of target organs, or period of

the development of organs in the mammalian species used for toxicology tests and humans,

toxic effects of chemicals that are specific for humans may be overlooked. The brain may be

exemplary for this. At birth the development of the brain has further progressed in humans

than in rodents. However, in contrast to rodents, where brain development is largely

completed at weaning, in the human this organ continues to develop long after birth [30, 31,

32]. Although in studies on reproductive toxicity animals are exposed during the prenatal and

postnatal period, the pattern (and level) of exposure in humans may differ, especially in the

critical period with respect to brain development

Below, the particularities of the development of certain organ systems in humans, as

compared to other mammalians, and the consequences for risk assessment are discussed.


5.1.1  Development of the respiratory tract


The development of the respiratory tract occurs in several phases. In humans, the

development of the lungs, in particular of the alveoli, continues well after birth. The

development of alveoli even extends into adolescence. In this respect humans differ from rats

and mice, in which formation of alveoli occurs during the first 4 weeks after birth. It has been

observed that a number of toxins retard lung maturation, decrease the alveolar number and

surface area, and impair the function of the lung surfactant system. Little research into the

long-term consequences of exposure to these toxins has been performed, although there are

indications that the observed functional disturbances may be permanent [26, 33]. More longterm

studies are needed, however, to clarify this matter.


5.1.2  Developmental immunotoxicity


Developmental immunotoxicology is still in its infancy. The developing immune system goes

through phases of cell production, cell migration through haematopoietic organs, cell-cell

interactions, cell differentiation and cell maturation. An overview of the toxic effects of

chemicals on the developing immune system has been compiled at RIVM [34]. Disruption of

immunodevelopmental processes may have serious consequences, such as long-term or

permanent immunosuppression. On the other hand, immune hyper-responsiveness (i.e.

allergies) or autoimmune reactions could result from disrupted development of the immune

system. Accordingly, the lack of immunological challenge due to increased hygienic

standards, and exposure to environmental factors during the development of the immune

system have been implicated in autoimmune diseases [35] and atopia and asthma [22, 36].

From animal studies there is evidence that the developing immune system may be not more

sensitive to the effects of toxins than the mature immune system, but that the changes in

immune function induced by the toxins may be more persistent [37]. However, it has also

been reported that perinatal exposure to TCDD reduces vaccination responses and increases

the risk of otitis media in Dutch school children [38]. At present, the toxicological tests used

for risk assessment are not designed to detect immunodevelopmental disturbances or

immunotoxic effects, since immunological parameters are usually not included. It is

recommended, however, to amend the current OECD guidelines for developmental and

reproductive toxicity testing so that the developing immune system is considered as a

potential target of toxicity during developmental stages [39].

In view of the lack in knowledge, further clinical and epidemiological studies are necessary

to give more insight in this matter.


5.1.3  Developmental neurotoxicity


The brain, in particular the human brain, is an immensely complex organ, of which the

functioning is still poorly understood. It is known that relatively subtle changes in the human

brain may alter the mental capabilities or the personality of an individual. A number of

psychiatric illnesses, e.g. mental retardation, autism, cerebral palsy, ADHD and

schizophrenia, probably have their origin in a disturbed pre-or perinatal brain development.

For some of these disturbances the involvement of chemicals has been suggested [40].

In humans, the development of the brain is a process that starts during early pregnancy and

continues long after the child is born. Initially the anatomical differentiation of the brain is

the most striking feature, but even when all the anatomical structures of the brain are present,

functional development still proceeds. Disruption of the anatomical as well as the functional

developmental processes may have major consequences.

The brain passes through several stages during development. First there is neurogenesis, i.e.

the stage when neurons are formed. This is followed by processes of neuronal migration,

outgrowth of dendrites and axons, formation of synaptic connections, development of

neurotransmitter systems and receptors, and myelinization.

Although in humans the anatomical development of the brain predominantly occurs before

birth, processes such as axon-, dendrite- and synapse formation continue long after birth;

some of these processes are not finished before adolescence [31, 32]. The fine-tuning of the

interactions between the various brain systems also continues for a long period after birth.

In humans the blood brain barrier is only fully developed from the middle of the first year of

life [41]. This means that a chemical such as cadmium, to which the adult blood-brain barrier

is impermeable, may well enter the brain in infants. In the rat, it has been reported that

exposure to certain pesticides during the development of the blood brain barrier may alter the

permeability of this barrier, even for a prolonged time after cessation of the exposure to these

pesticides [42].

It is known from animal studies that the developing brain is more susceptible to certain

chemicals than the adult brain [3]. It should be noted that substances that are capable of

causing disturbances in the developing nervous system are not necessarily neurotoxic in

adults. Furthermore, even short periods of exposure to toxic chemicals, such as PCBs, PBDEs

and pesticides, may induce long-lasting behavioural disturbances [43, 44].

The risk assessment of neonatal exposure to toxic substances, based on studies using

laboratory animals, is hampered by the fact that in certain instances adequate animal models

are lacking. Gross abnormalities as a result of neurotoxic damage will probably be detected

by studies in animals. However, more subtle, but clinically relevant effects will be difficult to

uncover. For instance, learning and memory tasks in animals are probably only sensitive

enough to detect relatively large effects on cognitive functioning. Relatively small decreases

in cognitive abilities in human individuals, as a result of neurodevelopmental disturbances

following exposure to neurotoxins, will be difficult to detect. The possible involvement of

neurotoxins in the development of psychiatric disorders will be even harder to detect in

animal experiments since many manifestations of these disorders are typical for the human

species and are also influenced by life-style and other exogenous factors.

In rats, the major species used for toxicological testing, the brain growth spurt and the

anatomical and functional development of the central nervous system occurs for a large part

after birth. In the reproduction toxicity tests the dams are treated until weaning. In case the

test substance is excreted in substantial amounts in the milk, this test may provide a reliable

indication on the neurodevelopmental effects of a substance. However, for substances which

are poorly excreted in milk, the reproduction toxicity studies cannot be used to establish

neurodevelopmental properties of a substance.

US-EPA has implemented a guideline for developmental neurotoxicity [45] and the draft for

a new OECD guideline (426) for the testing of neurodevelopmental toxicity of substances

probably will be implemented soon. The developmental neurotoxicity test is aimed at

detecting anatomical, histological and functional disturbances induced by interaction of a

substance with the developing brain. In principle the guideline proposes to administer the test

compound during pregnancy and lactation in the food, however, other means of

administration may also be used. In the guideline it is, however, not required to assess the

levels of compound in the milk in order to determine whether the pups are actually exposed

after oral administration of the test compound to the mother. Further, if the substance

undergoes a high rate of biotransformation, the exposure of the infant through lactation may

differ than when directly exposed to the parent compound itself.

In case the level of exposure is too low, the test compound should be administered directly to

the pups, provided that stress does not preclude this possibility. The intended use of the test

substance may prompt for a different route of exposure. For instance, in case a substance is

intended to be vaporised, the developmental effects following inhalatory exposure should be

evaluated, since the uptake rate and amount that is absorbed may differ from oral uptake.

Since following inhalatory exposure there is no first pass elimination in the liver this may

lead to different systemic levels. Furthermore inhalatory exposure may uncover local

developmental effects on the lung. For dermal exposure the same reasoning holds true.


5.2  Endocrine disruption


Endocrine disruption is not a specific end point of toxicity but rather refers to health effects

that may be mediated by mechanisms affecting hormone homeostasis. Children may be

especially vulnerable in this respect as their homeostatic mechanisms are immature. In animal

studies, effects on morphologic development of the urogenital system may indicate endocrine

mechanisms. For example, the uterotrophic assay carried out in immature female rodents

assesses weight effects and histological effects on the uterus of substances during a

developmental phase when the juvenile uterus is responsive to estrogenic compounds,

although at the same time the endogenous production of estrogens is very low. Such a system

is more sensitive than the adult uterus, which is already stimulated by endogenous estrogen.

However, as yet it is unclear as to when a uterotrophic effect in the juvenile uterus should be

considered adverse. At present, various new test systems using young animals are being

developed for endocrine disruption, but their role in the risk assessment process has yet to be

established. The possible specific relevance of the endocrine disruption issue for children and

their development is however beyond dispute.


5.3  Carcinogenicity


Little is known about the specific vulnerability of children to the genotoxic and carcinogenic

effects of chemicals. Charnley and Putzrath [46] summarized the results of studies on 30

chemicals in which the effects of age on chemically induced carcinogenesis in rodents were

evaluated. Overall, the percentage of studies indicating that young animals were more

susceptible than adults (37 %) was about equal to the percentage of studies indicating that

young animals were less susceptible than adults (53 %). However, as Landrigan et al. [47]

pointed out in a comment, the chemicals included in the studies represent less than 0.2 % of

the high production volume chemicals. Moreover, most studies used only one dose level,

making it difficult to draw conclusions on differences in sensitivities. Evidently more

research is needed in order to gain insight in the relative vulnerability of children to the

carcinogenic effects of chemicals.


6  General Conclusions


6.1  Exposure


Exposure of children to toxic chemicals may differ substantially from that of adults. As a

consequence of their increased metabolic needs, their increased body surface to body weight

ratio and their behaviour (e.g. crawling, hand-to-mouth behaviour) the relative exposure (per

kg bw) of children to xenobiotics is likely to be higher than that of adults in case of similar

external exposure. So, if children are likely to be exposed, it is necessary in the risk

assessment for chemicals to perform a separate exposure assessment for children.


6.2  Toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics


It is evident that there are differences between children and adults in the kinetics and

dynamics of toxic substances, which may render the child less or more susceptible to the

toxic effects of a chemical.

Therefore, in cases where children are likely to be exposed, in addition to the assessment of

the specific exposure pattern, also the toxicological profile of a xenobiotic should be carefully


With respect to toxicokinetics, the present data indicate that there are a lot of physiological

differences between adults and children, that might result in a different internal dose in

children compared to adults. However, it is difficult to predict the overall result of the

different processes (for instance: a substance may be more extensively absorbed, but less

metabolised to a toxic metabolite, or cleared more rapidly). Therefore, more insight is needed

in the differences in toxicokinetic processes between adults and children. One way to study

these differences is by using generic PBPK models (see paragraph 6.5).

With respect to toxicodynamics there is evidence that the differences between children and

adults may be rather large, especially during early development. The anatomical and

functional development of organ systems may render children more sensitive to toxic effects

of xenobiotics than adults, which are fully developed. In principal, these effects will be

detected in the presently used reproduction and developmental neurotoxicity studies.

It must be kept in mind, however, that the critical windows in the development of laboratory

animals and man are not necessarily the same, and therefore, the exposure period should be

carefully examined. In addition, special attention should be paid to the route and level of

exposure, with regard to extrapolation of results in animal studies to the human situation.

At present, a lot of research with regard to sensitivity of children is going on in the field of

pharmaceuticals. Since for the risk-assessment of chemicals in general only information on

toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics in laboratory animals is available, it is important to

closely follow the developments in the paediatric pharmacology area.


6.3  Adequacy of toxicological tests


It is generally assumed that most of the effects of chemicals on postnatal development are

adequately detected by studies on reproductive toxicity and developmental toxicity in

laboratory animals, and that these laboratory tests are also predictive for the toxicity of

chemicals in children. It should be noted, however, that the presently used toxicity tests focus

on developmental, reproductive and neurotoxic effects, while other parameters (e.g.

histopathology, haematology, immunology) in pups are not investigated.

The newly introduced neurodevelopmental toxicity test (OECD 426) may detect effects of

substances on the anatomy and function of the brain. However, relatively subtle

neurodevelopmental disturbances caused by the test substance may be overlooked, and the

usefulness of this test still has to be proven. Also substance-induced neurodevelopmental

disturbances underlying typically human psychopathology may not be detected by tests in

animals. It should also be noted that the treatment regimen in the test animal might not

adequately represent the exposure of the young child. For instance, postnatal exposure of the

pup through feeding of the mother will be low for substances that are poorly excreted in milk.

Infants and children receive, apart from milk, other solid and liquid foods and may thus be

exposed to chemicals via other routes than breast milk. Thus, for substances for which

excretion in milk is low the test substance should be administered directly to the pups,

providing that stress does not preclude this possibility. For substances to which children are

exposed dermally or by inhalation, toxicological tests should use the same administration


Moreover, the presently used protocols for toxicological testing are not adequate for detecting

effects of early exposure to substances on carcinogenicity and certain developmental

disturbances. For instance, substance-induced disturbances in the immune and endocrine

systems may not be uncovered by toxicological tests since no specific tests aimed at detecting

disturbances in the functioning of these systems are used. Guidelines to test for

(developmental) effects on the immune system are in preparation. The investigation of a

broader set of toxicological parameters in the multi-generation toxicity test, especially the

parameters that are affected in (sub-)chronic toxicity studies, may provide at least part of the

information that is lacking at present.


6.4  Vulnerability of children:  Is an additional assessment factor necessary?


From a theoretical point of view it is evident that, due to the complex process of development

of organs and organ systems, children may be more vulnerable than adults to the toxic effects

of certain chemicals. A typical historical example is the detrimental effect of lead. However,

there are not many indications that the current risk assessment procedures do not adequately

protect the sensitive groups, such as children, in the human population. There may be several

explanations for this:

- The data from the present toxicological tests may be indeed adequate for extrapolation to

the human situation, using the present assessment factors.

- An increase in vulnerability due to one factor may be compensated by a reduction in

vulnerability due to another factor (for instance, a high absorption of a chemical may be

compensated by a high elimination).

- Adverse effects have been identified in epidemiological studies, but an adequate relation

to exposure to chemicals may be not clear or proven.

- Adverse effects caused by exposure to chemicals are not identified in epidemiological


At present there is not sufficient information, however, to give a general quantitative

statement whether the presently used default assessment factor of 10 for intraspecies variation

is adequate to protect children in risk assessment of chemicals. However, in general, the use

of an intraspecies factor of 10 implies that the .most sensitive child. is about 10x more

sensitive than the .average. human, and thus that there is a 100-fold variation in susceptibility

in the entire human population. In addition, the use of the default assessment factor of 10 for

interspecies extrapolation implies that the average human is 10 times more sensitive than the

most sensitive animal tested.

In general, if a full set of toxicological data is available, the presently used assessment factors

(10 x 10) are considered adequate in safeguarding the human population. However, the use of

an additional assessment factor in order to protect the sensitive groups in the human

population, among others children, should always be considered, on a case-by-case basis.


6.5  Gaps in risk assessment and directions for further research



With respect to exposure of children more insight in specific exposure scenarios is needed to

get a better estimation of the actual exposure level, especially when it is expected that

children might be higher exposed than adults.

- The deviant dietary pattern of children should be taken into account in the exposure

assessment. For pesticides this is already common practice, in other frameworks this

aspect needs more attention.

- In the exposure assessment, not only point estimates, but also distributions of intake

levels should be taken into account in the exposure assessment.

- For the establishment of Maximum Residue Levels the deviant dietary pattern of

children should always be taken into account.

- The contribution of the oral, dermal and inhalatory routes of exposure to the total

dietary and non-dietary exposure of children should be considered. Because of the

different behaviour and physiology of children, both the absolute and the relative

contribution of the various routes to the actual exposure will be different compared to


- What are the effects/risks of aggregate exposure to a substance, or the cumulative

exposure to substances, either structurally related or from a different chemical class,

with a common mechanism of action. Based on the scientific data models for

aggregate and cumulative risk assessment should be developed for the population

(and thus also for children).


Criteria for the adequacy of the data set: Decision tree.

As mentioned before, the presently used reproduction and developmental neurotoxicity tests

will probably detect many of the effects of chemicals on the developing laboratory animal.

On the other hand, in the present report a number of situations have been described in which

humans differ from laboratory animals and in which toxicological tests in animals are not

adequate in detecting adverse effects of substances, such as developmental neurotoxicity or

immunotoxicity, on the human child. Thus, it may be concluded that, in view of the

potentially increased vulnerability of children, risk assessment of chemicals should be made

on a case by case base. We propose that in the near future a decision tree is designed which

can be used to assess whether the available toxicological data set is adequate for risk

assessment of children.


Suitability of young-animal toxicity tests

The suitability of young-animal toxicity models for extrapolation to the human situation

should be investigated. Furthermore, it is interesting to compare the dose-response data and

NOAELs of adult test animals to those of juvenile test animals, to gain more insight in the

range of intraspecies variation, with respect to age, in a test animal population. However,

young animal models will only be relevant in case developing systems are targets for a

compound or for its metabolites. Regarding studies in animals this would imply that the

choice of an animal model can be better substantiated, leading to a refinement of experiments

and a reduction in the number of animals required for testing.


PBPK modeling

It is obvious that the physiology and toxicokinetics in children are different from that in

adults. However, it is difficult to get insight in the overall result of the differences, especially

in a quantitative sense. A valuable tool in this respect is PBPK- modeling based on the

physiology of children. By using distributions of the physiological and kinetic parameters and

PBPK modeling it can be assessed which group of children is most at risk for a certain

chemical (e.g. lean or fat children).



The authors would like to thank ir. P.M.J. Bos, dr. H. van Loveren, dr. M.N. Pieters, dr.

M.T.M. van Raaij, and dr. A. J.A.M. Sips for their valuable comments.



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Appendix 1  Mailing list


1.  Drs. J. Dornseiffen, VWS, VGB i.o.

2.  Dr. ir. J. de Stoppelaar, VWS, Directie VGB i.o.

3.  Mr. J.A.M. Whyte, VWS, GZB

4.  Dr. H. Jeuring, KvW

5.  Directie RIVM

6.  Dr. ir. D. Kromhout, sectordirecteur VCV

7. M.N. Pieters, CRV

8.  Dr. M.T.M. van Raaij, CRV

9.  Dr. A.J.A.M. Sips, LBV

10.  Dr. A.J. Baars, CRV

11.  Dr. F.X.L. van Leeuwen, CRV

12.  Dr. P.H. van Hoeven-Arentzen, CRV

13.  Drs. T.G. Vermeire, CSR

14.  Dr. G.J.A. Speijers, CRV

15.  Drs. A.G.A.C. Knaap, CRV

16.  Dr. C. Rompelberg, LBV

17.  Drs. J. van Eijkeren, LBV

18.  Dr. L.L. de Zwart, LBV

19.  Dr. ir. M. J. Zeilmaker, LBV

20.  Dr. ir. P. Bos, CRV

21.  Dr. W.H. Könemann, CSR

22.  Dr. H. van Loveren, LPI

23.  Dr. H.E.M.G. Haenen, LGM

24.  Dr. J.W. Van der Laan, LGM

25.  Dr. ir. H. Derks, LGO

26.  Dr. J. Bessems, TNO-Voeding, Zeist

27.  Dr. C. Groen, Kinesis, Breda

28.  Dr. M.C. Lans, CTB

29.  Dr. L.P.A. Steenbekkers, Universiteit Wageningen

30.  Dr. H.F.G. van Dijk, Gezondheidsraad

31.  Dr. D. Kloet, RIKILT, Wageningen

32.  Dr. S. Olin, ILSI Risk Science Institute, Washington, USA

33.  Dr. G. Charnley, Health Risk Strategies, Washington, USA

34.  Dr. N. Freeman Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA

35.  Dr. G. Heinemeyer,Federal Institute for Health Protection of Consumers and

Veterinary Medicine, Berlin, Germany

36.  Dr. W. Snodgrass, University of Texas, Galveston, USA

37.  Dr. J. Hughes, University of Leicester, Leicester

38.  Dr. I. Kraul, Danish EPA, Copenhage

39.  Dr. M. Maroni, Università di Milano, Milan.

40.  Dr. K. Thoran, National Chemicals Inspectorate, Solna, Sweden

41.  Dr. J. Herrman, WHO, Geneva, Switzerland

42.  Dr. A. Moretto, University of Padova, Italy

43.  Dr. A. Boobis, Imperial College School of Medicine, London, UK

44.  Dr. L.P. Davies, Therapeutic Goods Administration, Barton, Australia

45.  Dr. V.L. Dellarco, Office of Pesticide Programs, US-EPA, Washington DC, USA

46.  Dr. J. Borzelleca, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, USA

47.  Dr. H. Häkansson, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden

48.  Dr. S. Page, WHO, Geneva, Switzerland

49.  Dr. M. Tasheva, Sofia, Bulgaria

50.  Dr. R. Solecki, Federal Institute for Health Protection of Consumers and Veterinary

Medicine, Berlin, Germany

51.  Dr. I. Dewhurst, Pesticide Safety Directorate, York, UK

52.  Dr. S. Logan, Therapeutic Goods Administration, Barton, Australia

53.  Dr. F.R. Puga, Instituto Biologico, Sao Paulo, Brazil

54.  Dr. W. Phang, Office of Pesticide Programs, US-EPA, Washington DC, USA

55.  Dr. K.L. Hamernik, Office of Pesticide Programs, US-EPA, Washington DC, USA

56.  Dr. J.J. Larsen, Institute of Food Safety and Toxicology, Søborg, Denmark

57.  Dr. T. Marrs, Food Standard Agency, London, UK

58.  Dr. C. Vleminckx, Scientific Institute of Public Health, Brussels, Belgium

59.  Dr. D.B. McGregor, Toxicology Evaluation Consultants, Lyon, France

60.  Dr. E. Mendez, Office of Pesticide Programs, US-EPA, Washington DC, USA.

61.  Dr. A.W. Tejada, FAO, Rome, Italy

62.  Dr. D.J. Hamilton, Dept. of Primary Industries, Brisbane, Australia

63.  Dr. L.T. Haber, Toxicology Excellence for Risk Assessment, Cincinnati, USA.

64.  Depot Nederlandse Publikaties en Nederlandse Bibliografie

65.  Bureau Rapporten Registratie

66.  Bibliotheek RIVM

67.  SBC/Communicatie

68-77  Bureau Rapportenbeheer

78-80 Auteurs

80-100 Reserveexemplaren