Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2007 22:02:07 -0600 (MDT)

From: Martin Walter <walter@Colorado.EDU>

To: rmpjc <>

Cc: jill sverdlove <>,

    anne lee maziar <anne.maziar@Colorado.EDU>,

    kirsten burris <>,

    brandon lundell <>,

    uma bacso <>, jen sutton <>,

    elsie klassen <>,

    barb patton <>,

    marc osborne <>, tom moore <>,

    Tim Seastedt <Timothy.Seastedt@Colorado.EDU>,

    stephanie clark <>,

    randy weiner <>,

    Mary Louise Chavers <>,

    marty walter <>,

    kirk cunningham <>,

    kathleen christensen <>,

    jim morris <>, cosima krueger <>,

    caitlin waddick <>,

    angela medbery <>

Subject: report on meeting with state health today



Dear All,


     The more I think about what happened today, the more shocked I become.

John Pape from the state health department met with the

Boulder County Commissioners and other interested parties today in

the Commissioners meeting room.


     Bottom line:  (Scott Spiegle has the audio CDs of the meeting if

what I am about to say sounds ``off the wall.'')  John Pape indicated

that the best approach to controlling west nile virus in Boulder County

would be wall to wall aerial spraying of the entire county twice in

early July about 3 days apart, assuming that the vector index had

reached a certain point.  (The vector index is the numerical product

of the number of culex mosquitos and the rate of west nile infection

of these mosquitos.) Followed up with a spraying in August.


    Thus I suppose we are to breathe a sigh of relief if the wall to

wall spraying is done by truck rather than air.


    Pape made his case by showing data from Mesa County on the west slope

where such saturation aerial spraying was carried out.  I asked if

any data was available on Jefferson County.  Answer:  No.  I asked because

Otter Tail has apparently successfully controlled mosquitos there with

no spraying plus effective larviciding -- and Jefferson County has much more

in common with Boulder County than Mesa County.


    Larviciding was not mentioned unless brought up by myself or the

commissioners.  Pape implicitly dismissed larviciding by saying that it

is impossible to control all of the vector sites in urban/suburban backyards

and on irrigated farmland.  I mentioned that since we have

had a mosquito abatement district in place for over a decade, that

we should know were all of the standing water due to irrigation is located,

and we should have all of this information on maps.  I

know where all the standing water within a mile of my house is located

and when it is most likely to be there, and if you pool the information of

all the local farmers

the date set is complete in this regard.


    I would have liked to see a presentation showing the effect of

an aggressive larviciding program on mosquito populations in

some designated area of the state's choosing, but just as Bush

cherry picked the data to support going to war in Iraq, Pape

cherry picks the data to go to war with pesticides on adult mosquitos.

Predetermined assumptions guides his whole program.


    My Bottom Line:  If ANY mosquito borne disease is of concern

to someone, that person can follow established proceedures and

reduce their risk to near zero.  Avoid exposure from dusk to dawn.

If exposed, wear clothing that covers arms and legs and apply

repellent of choice to face, neck and hands


   On the other hand there is no such proceedure for protecting

oneself from biocides broadly cast into the environment, as

attested to by the fact (estabished by the CDC and EWG) that we all

have in our blood all manner of toxic residues some of which

are carcinogenic, some endocrine disrupters etc.


   The commissioners did not seem to be taken in by the Pape

presentation.  The Longmont city council, on the other hand,

was more receptive to the Pape message, I am told.

I am under the impression that our county health department is

on the same page as John Pape.


Best regards,



P.S.    The fact that Dr. Glanz, a leading medical doctor and

proponent of spraying in Boulder, recently

died of liver cancer proves nothing,

but it is not an argument FOR spraying.